بازدید 13472

Oil that reached Japan shores from sunken Iran tanker - Coast Guard

Oil that reached islands in southern Japan earlier this month is highly likely to have come from the sunken Iranian tanker Sanchi, the Japan Coast Guard said on Thursday.
کد خبر: ۷۷۶۴۶۷
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۳ اسفند ۱۳۹۶ - ۱۰:۰۲ 22 February 2018

Oil that reached islands in southern Japan earlier this month is highly likely to have come from the sunken Iranian tanker Sanchi, the Japan Coast Guard said on Thursday.

Samples of oily matter that washed up on Feb. 8 on the shores of the Okinoerabu and Yoron islands in the Amami chain were found to be linked Sanchi’s sinking, the Coast Guard said.

The Sanchi sank on Jan. 14 after colliding with a freighter on Jan. 6 in the world’s worst oil tanker disaster in decades.

“Oily matter that arrived at the shores of the two islands is extremely likely to be linked to the Sanchi tanker incident, considering the similarity of the oil and the fact that there has not been any marine disaster involving oil spill in the nearby sea area,” a Coast Guard official told Reuters by phone on Thursday.

Black clumps of oily matter first washed up on the shores of Takarajima island on Jan. 28 and other matter has since arrived at 21 other islands in southwestern Japan that are part of a chain of islands that includes Amami-Oshima and Okinawa, areas famous for pristine beaches and reef systems.

The Sanchi, which the Coast Guard said was carrying 111,000 tonnes, or about 810,000 barrels, of condensate - an ultra-light, highly flammable crude oil - sank after several explosions weakened the hull following the collision.

Most of the fuel evaporated after the ship caught fire.

The bodies of two sailors were recovered from the ship while a third body was pulled from the sea near the vessel. The remaining 29 crew of the ship are presumed dead.

On Jan. 17, the Chinese government said the sunken tanker had created two oil slicks.

Japan’s environment ministry said in January it saw little chance that the spill would reach Japanese shores.

Seawater samples taken from Jan. 29 to Feb. 2 at 14 different locations offshore southern Japan detected no oil pollution from the sunken tanker, the Coast Guard said in a separate statement on Wednesday.

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